Aconex provides a secure shared environment where all of the organizations working on a single project can directly interact with one another during the life of a single project in an environment where ALL project related interactions are captured, secured and stored. While Aconex does support multiple projects its greatest benefit is on a single, high-risk project with multiple, dispersed partners and teams. All participants use the same system, with consistent, connected communication and workflow processes. You get full visibility and accountability, with a complete audit trail of every action and decision.
Avoid cost overruns, delayed schedules and the hassles that come with inferior, outdated technology. Adopt a modern project controls platform. Aconex offers a unique solution to the growing complexity and risk associated with all types of projects…
Platform: All project participants are connected on a single, modern platform following a consistent set of processes throughout the project lifecycle.
Enterprise: Connected Cost is fast to provision, deploy, and highly scalable and configurable for your specific processes. It’s easy to learn and use.
Neutrality: With the secure Aconex platform, all participants – owners, contractors, subcontractors, etc. – control what information they share, if and when they share it, and with whom they share it. Access neutrality creates and sustains a culture of trust.