USER Access in Primavera Contract Management is controlled by several means.  Typically, User “ROLES” are established, and an “Access Template” is created for each role.  These roles define module-by-module what rights are given.

Once these Roles are setup, and then Users are assigned to these Access Templates, establishing the basis of their access, they are assigned to particular projects, and also defined certain “User Level” access rights.

User Setup

For most efficient setup, follow this order when setting up Contract Management and new users.  Note that this is all done in Contract Management Administration.

  1. Establish Access Templates—define these by general roles (“Project Manager”, “Accounting”, “Field Superintendant”, etc.)
  2. Create new user.
      1. Assign User to Access Template(s).

    TIP: User can be assigned to multiple templates if that is appropriate.

    1. Assign User to Projects and associate that project with a template (if there are multiple templates for that user.)
    2. Modify the User Level access as appropriate.

NOTE:  Be sure to set up Access Templates the way you want them before assigning to users.  If you change the Template AFTER assigning to a user, you’ll have to Un-assign the template, and then re-assign it for EACH user.

Modify User Rights for a Specific Project

After setting up the User, you may modify the rights given to a user by the Template for a particular project.  (For example, if the template does NOT give them Edit rights to Daily Reports, but for a particular project this user SHOULD have that access, you may enable this for this ONE project.)

Within Contract Management, right click on the project in question and select “Project Access”.  Click the “Edit” button for the particular user and then modify the access rights as needed.  Click “Save and Close”.

NOTE:  These changes ONLY affect the one project and that user; these do NOT affect that user’s general Template, or any other user’s access.

WARNING: Changing the User Account in Administration OR the Access Template restores the default settings and eliminates any “Project Access” changes you previously made.

Limit Access by Company

Another feature in PCM is that you can limit the document access by the “Company” name. This can be useful if you have multiple contractors and only want them to see their own documents. This is a PROJECT-­‐specific setting, so you must enable this within EACH project, NOT as part of the Contract Management Administration setup. Set up users as spelled out above.

Open Contract Management and right click on the project, and select “Project Access”. Click “Edit” button for the User, and scroll to the bottom of the window.

Click the “Select” in “Access by Company” and select the appropriate company. When this user logs in, his access rights will be determined by:

  1. Access Template
  2. Any modifications to his access in this “Project Access” dialog.
  3. Limited to documents that have the selected Company in the “To” or “From”.

NOTE: The limited “Access by Company” is NOT enforced in the following modules: Companies, Cost Worksheet, Drawings and Drawing Sets, Meeting Minutes, Notepads, Procurement. In these modules the user will see ALL documents regardless of the Company.