Activities may be cut, copied and pasted between open projects in Primavera Project Management v5 and later.

  1. Open the projects you wish to copy activities between by using;
    1. “Ctrl-Click” to select multiple projects
    2. “Right click” to open the options dialog box and
    3. “Left Click” to select “Open Project”
  1. Navigate to the “Activities” screen and locate the activity(s) you wish to copy. You may find it easier to navigate to specific activities between projects if you collapse the WBS grouping bands and expand only the bands on both projects that contain the activities you will be copying “from” and “to”.

In the example below, we will be copying Activity ID’s #’d A1000 and A1020 from the PRECON TEAM SELECTION element in one project to the PRECON TEAM SELECTION element in another project.

  1. Select the activities you wish to copy by;
    1. “Ctrl-Click” to select multiple activities
    2. “Right click” to open the options dialog box and
    3. “Left Click” to select “Copy”
  1. After you have selected the activities you wish to copy, scroll up to the WBS element of the project you will be copying the activities to. “Left Click” on the WBS element where you will be adding the activities.  In the example below, we will be copying to the PRECON TEAM SELECTION element.

After you have selected the element,

  1. “Right Click” to open the options dialog box and
  2. “Left Click” to select “Paste”
  1. Select the options you wish to copy along with the activity and click “OK”
  1. Select how you wish activity renumbering to be managed when the activities are copied and click “OK”.
  1. Your activities have been successfully copied from one project to another.