Your business flourishes when you and your staff have access to the right information at the right time. At DRMcNatty, our specialty is ensuring that you have the data you need at your fingertips 24 hours a day, and our in-house developer team plays a critical part in that process.
Whether it be the integration of project controls information into an interactive dashboard, or a streamlined link between Primavera P6 and Unifier, our developers make the difference between an off-the-shelf, standard solution, and an innovative, effective one.

The internal developer capacity is where DRMcNatty stands apart from the crowd. It’s unusual for a company within our sector to accommodate their own in-house team. Usually, the specialized developer process is outsourced to external staff or is delivered by a SaaS company. This creates further links in the chain, more opportunities for problems, and a longer chain of command.
This isn’t the DRMcNatty way. Instead, our in-house developers help us tailor affordable solutions to fit your projects and programs.
Why an in-house developer team?
Having an in-house developer team gives four main advantages: a long-term partnership focus, alignment of interests within the organization, rapid turnaround times, and a company standard second to none.
Long term partnership
At DRMcNatty, we can support any size of project or program. If a ready-to-use solution is appropriate, then we can deliver that, but often a program will need more long-term development support. Your IT architecture may need to evolve if your requirements change over time.
Where that’s the case, our in-house developer team will work alongside you as those requirements change, building an ongoing relationship and becoming knowledgeable in the specifics of your business challenges.
Alignment of interests
Unlike an outsourced development solution, where priorities may clash, or workloads may not dovetail, an in-house development team is fully committed to the same outcomes and goals as the broader organization.
At DRMcNatty, that means that our developers are a key part of our team. Their expertise complements those of our other specialized functions, and they are fully integrated into the project delivery cycle. Communication is easy for the client when the key delivery teams are all aligned in their goals.
Rapid Turnaround Times
Having an in-house developer team means that turnaround times are swift. The fact that DRMcNatty developers are embedded within the organization removes the need for the client to have to coordinate schedules and lead-in times between different delivery partners, and ensures that no time is wasted waiting for external contractors to become available.

This streamlined approach means that delays are minimized, and any unforeseen issues that arise along the way can be quickly addressed.
Company Standards
One of the key points of difference of DRMcNatty is the exceptional levels of knowledge, expertise and customer service of our staff.
Our in-house developer team is no different. Team members have experience in a range of products and integration approaches and deliver complete solutions to the same exacting standards as the rest of the organization.
The DRMcNatty Way
Our in-house developer team means that we can provide the right solution to fit your needs, whatever they may be. This is the DRMcNatty way. Having the developers integrated into our team means that whether a simple plug-and-play solution is the right way forward, or whether a more complex integration needs to be configured, we can still deliver the perfect solution to your specific challenge.
The developer team has a broad perspective, having worked on projects across a range of different industries, and team members are experienced in providing solutions across a variety of types of capital scheme.
For example, as part of our work to support a major California gas and electric utility, the developer team created a single data warehouse using information pulled from a range of flat files and web services. This work demanded that both a ‘homegrown’ database and standardized products like Primavera P6 and SAP both contributed data. This data populated a front-end dashboard which offered differential access depending on the status of the user.
This is a great example of where our in-house developers helped us deliver a solution that is massively valuable to the customer, meaning they’re now not only saving time but saving money too.

The value of the in-house developer team
The end-to-end approach offered by DRMcNatty can only be achieved thanks to our in-house developer team. After all, a solution is only as good as its constituent parts, and the ability to offer both off-the-shelf and tailored solutions sets us apart in the industry.
This is the DRMcNatty way. Our team delivers your complete project controls solution, to make your company move.