Many typical Unifier forms let you pick Vendors from the Vendor BP and then display the vendor code and have read-only views of the actual company name. For many, these vendor codes are meaningless, especially in instances where Unifier auto-numbers these code values.

This Tech Tip outlines how to omit displaying the vendor code and create active/filtered pickers using the company name.


Old Method: User picks From and To company from the picker, the ID is stored and next to the field the From Company Name is displayed in read only fashion.



New Method: User picks the To Company, and the input box displays the company name (not the ID). Then when you pick the To Contact, the list is filtered automatically for the contacts from that company name.



  1. Data Definition, Data Pickers—set up a new picker with the display element of Full Name not Record No for both the Company and Contact.
    • Note: You’ll set up both Company Name (displaying the Vendor Name) and the Company Contact (displaying the Full Name).


  1. Data Element—set up a new data element using these data definitions.



  1. Use these data elements in your Action Form.
  2. Reference Processes—These normally are used to display the read-only Company Name in the old method, but you will not need these here.


  1. In the BP Data Picker configuration for the Contact, set up the lookup to match the Upper Form field for Company with the Vendor Name.
    • This is the property that filters the contacts based on the Company selection so you don’t see all contacts.


  1. Test and Deploy your BP.


Final Notes:

Creating your BP design and forms this way can provide a cleaner form design, particularly where the ID fields are not relevant to users. One consideration is that the lookup by Company Name can be a potential issue if there are duplicate company names within the data set. Ideally, a best practice if you are going to do this is to make the Vendor Name field property to be unique so that there are no duplicate values.