MAY 2013






P6 Pro 8.3 – Getting the Software

Who can download?

  • Anyone with P6 V8.2 and current “Maintenance”
  • Anyone else can migrate (call your local Rep)
  • Anyone can download as a “Trial Version” and use for 30 days


P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

Go to

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

Sign in or Sign Up

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

Agree to the Terms & Conditions. Then Click on “Continue”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

Select a Product Pack (Primavera Applications) and a Platform.  Click “go”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

Select P6 Professional… R8.3 Media Pack.  Double-Click.

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

For Local installs download Applications, Database Setup and Documentation. Click Save.

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

Save the Zip files to your Downloads folder…

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

Open the Zip files and drag the folder to your Downloads or a folder of your choice.

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

We highly recommend that you read the instructions for the installation, you may find something useful…

Decision time…

  • Do you want to run a single database?
    • Do the Standalone Installation using the Oracle Express DB
  • Do you need to run multiple local databases?
  • Do you have local MS SQL databases to be upgraded?
  • Do you have local IT support?
    • Create an initial MS SQL Express database
    • Do the Client Installation using MS SQL Express DB
  • Do you want to be able to run local and connect to a DB?
    • You can do either a Standalone or a Client Installation

No matter what you decide, if you have an existing P6 database, you will need to upgrade the database to 8.3 using the DB Setup tools first.

If you need to install MS SQL Express (free), go to this link for a tech tip on how to download and install MS SQL Express.


P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Double click on “P6_R83_Client_Applications” folder to open
  2. Double click on “database” folder.
  3. Double click on “dbsetup”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Select “Upgrade an existing database”
  2. Select “Microsoft SQL Server”
  3. Click “Next”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Enter your administrative password (this password was defined when MS SQL Express was installed on your machine)
  2. Enter your database
  3. Click “Next”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Select “Yes, upgrade my database”
  2. Click “Upgrade”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Click “Next” when setup wizard is complete
  2. Click “Finish”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Double click on “P6_R83_Client_Applications
  2. Double click “setup” to upgrade your software

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Click Next

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Select “Typical” if you are going to use a local or server based MS-SQL database.
  1. If you select “Standalone” P6 will install a local Oracle Express database and you will be limited to only one local database.
    Either way, you will be able to connect to a EPPM server.
    P6 will know if it is to have P6 Pro functionality (full local admin rights) or P6 EPPM client functionality (all admin done in the web tool) by which type of database you connect to.

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Click “Install” to being installing the software

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

    1. Click “Next” when complete
      P6 will show status while installing

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Select MS SQL for the “Driver Type” then click “Next”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Use “Localhost” for the local MS SQL server for the name
  2. Type the name of the database you previously created.
  3. Then click “Next”
  4. Enter the password…
  5. Username and Password (privuser also works), unless it was changed on the database setup.
  6. Then click “Next”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Click “Next”

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software

  1. Click Finish.

If the connection was unsuccessful either the database does not exist or an incorrect password was used

P6 Pro 8.3- Installing the software


You’re Finished!